Reflecting upon societal responses to moments in time, these artists look to the past to inform the present and beyond.
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Playlists 1

History Reimagined
The artists in this playlist strike a balance between fact and fiction in their reimagining of historical moments, reinterpreting the past in the interest of finding clarity for the present and beyond.
Artists 51
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In the Studio: Joshua Serafin
In the Studio: Pio Abad
In the Studio: Atomic Terrain
In the Studio: Michael Rakowitz
Michael Rakowitzuses everyday objects to render lost artifacts into ghostly new forms.
In the Studio: Hiromi Tsuchida
Hiromi Tsuchida discusses Hiroshima Trilogy and his inclusion in the 58th Carnegie International, Is it morning for you yet?
In the Studio: Morehshin Allahyari
Morehshin Allahyari re-figures histories and imagines new futures
Teaching History by Sculpting Experience
Doreen Garner shares the motivation driving her sculptural practice: to educate viewers about suppressed racist histories.
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