In reverence or contempt to the artists that preceded them, these artists reference the past while expanding the art historical canon.
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Playlists 1

Under the Influence
This playlist goes under the influence and explores the network of inspiration amongst artists. In conversation and often in admiration of each other’s approach and expression—erhaps leading to a collaboration or simply a workflow—everyone is encouraged to find guidance through an artist that speaks to their own sensibilities. “Just to see what sculpture can do,” says Liz Larner in admiration of Tony Smith’s “Smoke” (1967), “this I think is probably one of the greatest examples of that ever.”
Artists 25
Read 6
In the Studio: Pio Abad
In the Studio: Buck Ellison
In the Studio: Michael Rakowitz
Michael Rakowitzuses everyday objects to render lost artifacts into ghostly new forms.
How Can Context Transfigure Culture?
Iman Raad defines becoming an ambivalent non-ambassador to his culture.
“Blueprint for a Landscape”
Artist Sarah Sze shares the process behind her immersive installation Blueprint for a Landscape (2016) at the Second Avenue Subway’s 96th Street station.
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