Considering and complicating feminist thought and practice, these artists command transformative practices in the face of social, generational, and individual adversities.
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Playlists 2
The Future Is Female
Tackling systemic issues, broadening the scope of representation, and transforming imagery from the history of visual culture, the artists in this playlist show that the future of art is in the hands of a new generation of women.
Super Heroines
This playlist honors bold women artists. Through practices unparalleled and unprecedented, these artists shatter the expectations of what art can be, leading the way for the next generation of art heroes.
Artists 17
Read 6
In the Studio: Tamar Ettun
In the Studio: Lynn Hershman Leeson
In the Studio: Morehshin Allahyari
Morehshin Allahyari re-figures histories and imagines new futures
How do bodies, commodities, and the digital intersect?
Rose Nestler probes media and material to learn more about culture.
Resisting Reductivism & Breaking the Bubble
Barbara Kruger shares her media diet, what she sees as art’s role in contemporary society, and the inspiration behind two of her earliest works.
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