Scaling ambitions beyond the gallery space, these artists use their work as a way to protest the conditions of society.
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Playlists 3

Taking a Stand
Protesting policy, war, or social norms, the artists in this playlist challenge the status quo and give voice to a movement. From documentary photography illustrating the contradictions of American life to the theatrical retelling of world history, these artists create works that provide urgent points of reflection.

Pride Unveiled
This playlist explores how artists examine identity through individual and community participation, challenging audiences and participants to exercise free expression by putting forth their own personal experiences.

Take Action
This playlist features artists who bring their practice to the public to advocate on behalf a more fair, diverse, and inclusive world.
Artists 19
Read 8
In the Studio: Pio Abad
How can art further political resistance?
In the Studio: Atomic Terrain
In the Studio: Sam Durant
In the Studio: Morehshin Allahyari
Morehshin Allahyari re-figures histories and imagines new futures
How Can An Artist Be A Catalyst For Change?
Defining an Artist
Tania Bruguera explains the term Arte Útil in relationship to the social responsibility of art. Interview by Susan Sollins at the Queens Museum in Queens, New York, on March 24, 2014.
Resisting Reductivism & Breaking the Bubble
Barbara Kruger shares her media diet, what she sees as art’s role in contemporary society, and the inspiration behind two of her earliest works.
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