Preview: Susan Philipsz Captures the Delicate Sounds of Human Breath

Susan Philipsz introduces the ideas behind her “War Damaged Musical Instruments” sound-based project in this preview of the upcoming “Berlin” episode from Season 9 of the “Art in the Twenty-First Century” television series.


Preview: Lynn Hershman Leeson Confronts Where We Are In Society

Lynn Hershman Leeson reflects on the progression of her practice, fluid in medium while consistent in message, in this preview of the upcoming “San Francisco Bay Area” episode from Season 9 of the “Art in the Twenty-First Century” television series.


New Art21 Magazine Issue: “Figures of Speech”

The Art21 Magazine’s newly-launched issue,”Figures of Speech,” examines the capacity of art for self-expression, community building, and political activism in 2018


Preview: Nathalie Djurberg and Hans Berg Collaborate Through Spontaneous Inspiration

Nathalie Djurberg and Hans Berg describe the spontaneity in generating ideas for their animated films in this preview of the upcoming “Berlin” episode from Season 9 of the “Art in the Twenty-First Century” television series.


Art21 Educator Spotlight: Jeannine Bardo

Meet Art21 Educator Jeannine Bardo, and learn how she’s creating a platform that amplifies the voices of fellow artists through her artist-run community initiative Stand4 Gallery.


Preview: Katy Grannan Explores the Complicated Dynamics Between Artist and Muse

Katy Grannan describes the collaborative relationship between photographer and sitter in this preview of the upcoming “San Francisco Bay Area” episode from Season 9 of the “Art in the Twenty-First Century” television series.



Art21 director of digital, Jonathan Munar, introduces Art21’s latest digital project,


Preview: David Goldblatt Investigates Sociocultural Influences on Architecture

David Goldblatt investigates South African sociocultural influences on architecture in this preview of the upcoming “Johannesburg” episode from Season 9 of the “Art in the Twenty-First Century” television series.


Preview: Creative Growth Empowers Artists to Say ‘This Is Who I Am in the World’

Tom di Maria, director of Creative Growth Art Center, introduces the nonprofit organization’s driving principles in this preview of the upcoming “San Francisco Bay Area” episode from Season 9 of the “Art in the Twenty-First Century” television series.


Event: World Premiere of “Art in the Twenty-First Century” Season 9

Join Art21 for a celebration and an exclusive screening of the new season of “Art in the Twenty-First Century”.
