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Teaching with Maps

by Emily RelfSeptember 6, 2022 1:46:42 total runtime

I’ve been fascinated by maps since I was a child, so I am inevitably interested in artists who draw inspiration and direction from maps, cartography, and geography. Seeing the world from a bird’s-eye view, such as using Google Maps, gives me a completely different perspective of the world. As a K–12 art teacher with a focus on elementary education, I incorporate mapmaking in my curriculum as a way for students to explore the world and their special places. I’m always researching new and familiar Art21 films to use in my classroom and with other educators, and it was great fun to dig deep into the Art21 film archive to learn about contemporary artists whose practices directly or indirectly incorporate maps and mapping.

Through this selection of films, I hope you will be enchanted by and find inspiration from the artists’ geographies, both realistic and fantastic, and find ways for maps to stimulate learning, either inside or outside of the classroom.

Read about how Emily teaches with this playlist in the classroom.
