New Video: Liz Larner Colors Outside the Lines

In a new Summer of Shorts film from our digital series Extended Play, artist Liz Larner expands on the work of Minimalist sculptor Tony Smith by bringing color into her practice.


Art21 News Roundup: Caroline Woolard Unrolls the “@” Symbol

See what Art21 was up to in July, including four new “Summer of Shorts” films, a new interview, and a new issue of the Art21 Magazine.


New Video: Caroline Woolard Reimagines History

In a new film from the New York Close Up digital series, artist Caroline Woolard and a group of artist-collaborators embark on Carried on Both Sides, a research-based sculptural project that connects ancient commerce and digital communication.

Aki Sasamoto holding a green elastic wrapped tight around her hands and in front of her face.

New Video: Artist Aki Sasamoto Pushes the Limit

Meet artist Aki Sasamoto in a new film from our New York Close Up digital series. She tests both physical and psychological limits in her latest work, Yield Point, installed and performed at The Kitchen earlier this year.


Art21 Educator Spotlight: Stacey Abramson

Meet Art21 Educator Stacey Abramson, and learn how she incorporates contemporary art practices in her classroom in Winnipeg, Canada.


New Video: Stan Douglas Makes a Visual Mixtape

In a new film from the Extended Play digital series, artist Stan Douglas shares why he created his epic six-hour video Luanda-Kinshasa (2013).


New Art21 Magazine Issue: “Inspired by a True Story”

Today the Art21 Magazine launched its July/August issue, “Inspired by a True Story.” Focusing on film and video art, the issue explores documentary projects and the relationship between truth and fiction in contemporary art.


New Video: Jeff Wall Captures the Impossible

In a new Summer of Shorts film from our digital series Extended Play, artist Jeff Wall considers photography’s unique position within the art historical canon.


Art21 Educators Year 7: Meet Tracie, Cory, Molly, Anna, and Ashley

Meet the second half of the new cohort of Art21 Educators, all of whom are actively integrating contemporary art into their teaching practices.


Art21 Welcomes Four New Members to our Board of Directors

Today our Executive Director and Chief Curator Tina Kukielski announces the appointment of four new members to our Board of Directors—an exciting mix of industry-leaders in digital media, technology, entertainment, and arts education.
