Artist Martha Colburn unrolls a script for her film Dolls v.s Dictators while giving an interview at The 1896 Studios & Stages (Bushwick, Brooklyn, 03.04.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn Brings the War Home. © Art21, Inc. 2012. Cinematography by Andrew David Watson.
Artist Martha Colburn unrolls a script for her film Dolls v.s Dictators while giving an interview at The 1896 Studios & Stages (Bushwick, Brooklyn, 03.04.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn Brings the War Home. © Art21, Inc. 2012. Cinematography by John Marton.
Artist Martha Colburn gives an interview at The 1896 Studios & Stages (Bushwick, Brooklyn, 03.04.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn Brings the War Home. © Art21, Inc. 2012. Cinematography by John Marton.
Artist Martha Colburn with a Wicked Witch puppet from her film Meet Me in Wichita while giving an interview at The 1896 Studios & Stages (Bushwick, Brooklyn, 03.04.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn Brings the War Home. © Art21, Inc. 2012. Cinematography by Andrew David Watson.
Artist Martha Colburn with a collage from her film Cats Amore while giving an interview at The 1896 Studios & Stages (Bushwick, Brooklyn, 03.04.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn Cuts the Boring Parts Out. © Art21, Inc. 2012. Cinematography by Andrew David Watson.
Artist Martha Colburn transfers film from reel to reel in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn Cuts the Boring Parts Out. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn transfers film from reel to reel in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn transfers film from reel to reel in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Reels of film in artist Martha Colburn’s home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn Cuts the Boring Parts Out. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Reels and canisters of film in artist Martha Colburn’s home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn unspools a reel of hand-painted film in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn, in her home and studio, with a sheet of Letraset symbols used in her films (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn Cuts the Boring Parts Out. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn with a reel of film in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn focuses a film projector in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn Cuts the Boring Parts Out. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn uses a film canister to block light from a projector in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn projects films in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Musician Jonathan Keay and artist Martha Colburn rehearse for a live film performance in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Musician Greg Saunier rehearses for a live film performance by artist Martha Colburn in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Musician Michael Evans rehearses for a live film performance by artist Martha Colburn in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn makes colored gels for a live film performance in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn makes colored gels for a live film performance in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn makes colored gels for a live film performance in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
A tabletop scene from Martha Colburn’s film Dolls vs. Dictators in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn’s Canon Scoopic MS 16mm film camera in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn’s camera setup for her film Dolls vs. Dictators in her home and studio (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn’s collages for the film Dolls vs. Dictators installed at the Museum of the Moving Image (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn preps reels for a live film performance at the Museum of the Moving Image’s event Signal to Noise (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn & the Musicians, LIVE! © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn preps a projector for a live film performance at the Museum of the Moving Image’s event Signal to Noise (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn & the Musicians, LIVE! © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn projects light through a filter during her live film performance at the Museum of the Moving Image’s event Signal to Noise (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn & the Musicians, LIVE! © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Musicians Tom Carter (guitar), Michael Evans (foley sound & percussion), Jonathan Keay (upright bass), Matthew Marinelli (electronics), Thollem McDonas (piano), Marc Orleans (pedal steel), Laura Ortman (fiddle), and Greg Saunier (drums) perform to films by artist Martha Colburn at the Museum of the Moving Image’s event Signal to Noise (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn & the Musicians, LIVE! © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn at the projector for a live film performance at the Museum of the Moving Image’s event Signal to Noise (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
A view between dueling projectors at artist Martha Colburn’s live film performance at the Museum of the Moving Image’s event Signal to Noise (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from New York Close Up. © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn projects through colored gels during a live film performance at the Museum of the Moving Image’s event Signal to Noise (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn & the Musicians, LIVE! © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn projects onto a mirrored disco ball during a live film performance at the Museum of the Moving Image’s event Signal to Noise (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn & the Musicians, LIVE! © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.
Artist Martha Colburn projects onto a mirrored disco ball during a live film performance at the Museum of the Moving Image’s event Signal to Noise (Long Island City, Queens, 01.15.11). Production still from the New York Close Up film Martha Colburn & the Musicians, LIVE! © Art21, Inc. 2011. Cinematography by Michael Tyburski.