Artist Daniel Gordon gives an interview in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 07.26.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Artist Daniel Gordon photographs shadows cast by a still life in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 06.12.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Artist Daniel Gordon uses Photoshop to colorize shadows cast by a still life in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 06.12.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Artist Daniel Gordon glues a color paper shadow to the wall behind a still life in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 06.12.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Artist Daniel Gordon arranges the lighting for a still life in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 06.12.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Artist Daniel Gordon photographs a paper still life with a Sinar 8×10 camera in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 06.12.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Artist Daniel Gordon cuts out a paper eye downloaded and printed from the Internet in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 06.13.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Artist Daniel Gordon cuts out paper body parts downloaded and printed from the Internet in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 06.13.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Artist Daniel Gordon adds a paper eye to a silhouette in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 06.13.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Artist Daniel Gordon photographs a paper silhouette with a Canham 4×5 camera in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 06.13.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Artist Daniel Gordon photographs with a Canham 4×5 camera in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 06.13.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Artist Daniel Gordon looks at transparencies on a lightbox in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 06.13.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Printer Anthony Accardi prepares to drum scan a transparency by artist Daniel Gordon at Green Rhino (Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 07.26.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Printer Anthony Accardi and artist Daniel Gordon examine a photographic print of a still life at Green Rhino (Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 07.26.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.
Artist Daniel Gordon sweeps up paper in his studio (DUMBO, Brooklyn, 06.13.13). Production still from the New York Close Up film Daniel Gordon Gets Physical. © Art21, Inc. 2013. Cinematography by Rafael Salazar & Ava Wiland.