Lynn Hershman Leeson creates a voice
Our spring 2021 season continues today with the second of four new films.
Recalling her formative years as an artist, Lynn Hershman Leeson describes the suppression of her literal and figurative voice as motivation to make and show work.
From her San Francisco, California studio, the artist shares memories of moments that have shaped her practice, including a near-fatal complication during pregnancy, as well as being rejected by the museum system.
“The cultural experience of having your voice suppressed has made speech and talking and having a voice really important in what I do,” states Hershman Leeson.
“A lot of what I do as being an artist is creating a voice for myself because I didn’t have one for so long.”
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Doreen Garner transforms pain into healing
From her pop-up tattoo shop, “Invisible Man Tattoo,” noted sculptor and licensed tattoo artist Doreen Garner inked iconic Black American heroes and imagery on those who identify as being of the African Diaspora.
“When you get a tattoo, you’re initiating your own healing,” said Garner.
“Because these images are so celebratory of Black excellence and Black history, it’s kind of initiating a healing for Black people.”
Attend a lecture on our education initiatives
Join SITE Santa Fe on Tuesday, April 27, at 7:00 p.m. ET for a special edition of their Innovative Thinker Lecture series featuring Art21 associate director of education initiatives, Emma Nordin.
Hear how Art21 responded to the global pandemic by shifting from in-person to digital professional development. Gain insight into how the programs evolved to the present day and tips for others looking to offer their own programming.
The program is free and will take place via Zoom.
Four new films devoted to artists motivated by feminisms

Clockwise from top-left: Loie Hollowell, Guan Xiao, Rachel Rossin, Lynn Hershman Leeson. © Art21, Inc. 2021.
We are pleased to unveil our second new group of releases for 2021. Following last month’s conclusion to our winter programming, our spring season continues today with the second of four new films premiering over the next four Wednesdays on and our YouTube channel.
Four artists—Guan Xiao, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Loie Hollowell, and Rachel Rossin—complicate public and private, tradition and innovation, commanding transformative artworks in the face of social, generational, and individual adversities.
Tune in for a new film every Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. ET through May 5.
Thank you for supporting our work
More than ever, online access to the lives and stories of artists is crucial, and Art21 is proud to share them with an ever-growing number of visitors including students, teachers, parents, and art enthusiasts alike from around the globe. If you are able at this time, please consider supporting the work of Art21. Every dollar makes a difference.