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From the Executive Director: Keeping Productive on the Road

I've found myself on the road a lot over the last few months. So have many of us here at Art21.

Traveling can be an adventure of emotions. There's the anticipation of arriving at your destination; the excitement of new encounters; the anxiety of being off of your routine. And yet we emerge from our travels with experiences from which to channel into something perhaps greater.

In the two new releases that arrived in the month since my last dispatch, we follow two artists who each take to the road to embark on their creative journeys.

Today, we premiered a new film featuring Dan Herschlein. In it, the artist commutes back and forth between Brooklyn and his childhood home on Long Island to work on a series of sculptures largely inspired by experiences from his youth.

In our premiere from two weeks ago, Zanele Muholi travels to the communal spaces shared amongst the members of the South African LGBTI community to photograph them for a body of work.

Both artists similarly establish relationships between place and subject—be they through past memories or memories in the making. And both speak to the power of art and its ability to capture emotions linked directly to place.

How do you draw inspiration from your experiences when you travel? Please send me your stories at [email protected] and I will highlight a few in next month's newsletter.

Finally, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you who responded to my appeal from last week. Your contributions truly do help us to continue sharing these and many other artists' stories to audiences around the world, around the clock. Thank you for believing in the power of art and creativity.

Tina Kukielski
Executive Director and Chief Curator
June 12, 2019

Watch our latest film

What we’re reading

This recent interview with Dan Herschlein from Filthy Dreams is a fine complementary read after watching our new film. The artist gives some additional insight behind the series of sculptures, titled Night Pictures, featured in today's release.

Read: Dan Herschlein's Night Pictures Illuminate The Eerie Undercurrent Of American Domesticity

Watch these films, then visit the shows

Summer Fridays (if you're fortunate enough to have them) are always a great excuse to step out and take in some art. In our weekly collaboration with artnet News, we've gathered some highlights for you to bookmark, including: Collier Schorr's series of portraits created in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, on view at the Alice Austen House in Staten Island; and Leonardo Drew's monumental installation at Madison Square Park in Manhattan.

See our upcoming film in Los Angeles

If you happen to be in Los Angeles on June 30, we invite you to drop by Hauser & Wirth for a special screening of our upcoming film on Luchita Hurtado. The film will play on loop in the galleries throughout the day.

Can you give your morning latte to Art21?

Viewers like you are our motivation to continue to produce films about contemporary artists and art. Throughout the summer, we are asking our community of fans to give back and show their support by becoming monthly supporters. As little as $5 a month, or the price of your morning coffee, will make a big difference and will help keep Art21 always on.

Your gift will ensure that viewers like you continue to have access to free, thought-provoking visual arts programming for years to come. Thank you for watching, for following, and for supporting the access to the stories, works, and ideas of the most innovative artists of our time.

Become a monthly donor.
