Legacy Giving

Thank you for making the generous decision to include Art21 in your estate plans. Through a legacy gift, you will ensure Art21 will remain a portal for discovering and exploring contemporary art for years to come. Please let us know if you have already included Art21 in your legacy giving plans so we can properly thank you for your support and invite you to special events and programs.  

Please contact:
Lolita Fierro, Director of Development
212 620 4963
[email protected]


One of the easiest ways to make a planned gift is to include the Art21 in your will or trust. You can arrange for the organization to receive a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the remainder of your estate (a residuary bequest). Unrestricted gifts allow Art21 to direct funds where they are most needed. See below the recommended language to share with your financial planner or attorney.


To make an unrestricted bequest

“I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to Art21, Inc., at 231 W 29th Street, Suite 706, New York, NY, a 501(c)(3) organization, tax identification #13-3920288,  (the sum of _____ dollars), or (all or % of the residuary of my estate) for its unrestricted use and purpose.”


To make a gift to establish a named endowment 

“I give (the sum of _____ dollars), or (all or ____percent) of the residuary of my estate) to  Art21, Inc., at 231 W 29th Street, Suite 706, New York, NY, a 501(c)(3) organization, tax identification #13-3920288, to create an endowed fund to be known as [add preferred name] Fund, the earnings from which, subject to Art21’s then-current spending policy, are to be used for the following organization’s purpose: (state the purpose: i.e., film production, digital accessibility, education and outreach, curatorial, etc.).”

Retirement Plan Assets

A retirement plan can be a tax-efficient and simple way of including Art21 in your legacy giving plans. 

When you name your children or anyone other than your spouse as beneficiaries of your IRA, 401(k), or other retirement plans, they receive only a fraction of the plan’s face value, since inherited assets of retirement plans are subject to both estate and income taxes. As a tax-exempt organization, Art21 will generally receive the full amount of the plan’s value.

To name Art21 as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or retirement plan, contact your plan administrator to obtain a beneficiary form.


Life insurance that you no longer need for your family’s security may be donated to Art21 by transferring ownership of the policy or naming Art21 as a beneficiary. Your estate may be entitled to a charitable deduction for the proceeds passing to Art21.

Donor-Advised Funds

As with a retirement plan, you can name Art21 as a charitable beneficiary of your donor advised fund (DAF). Simply complete a beneficiary designation form from your DAF advisor. You can also make a contribution today via your DAF by clicking the button below to access our DAF widget.

Information for You or Your Legal Advisor

Legal Name: Art21, Inc. 

Federal Tax ID: 13-3920288

Tax Status: Described in 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code


Contact Information:

Lolita Fierro
Director of Development

231 West 29th Street, Suite 706
New York, NY 10001

[email protected]



The material presented on this site is not offered as legal or tax advice. For assistance with your particular information, please consult your attorney, tax advisor, financial advisor, or other professional.