- Saint George and the Dragon / The City2013Gouache, ink on paper64h × 48w in (162.56h × 121.92w cm)
Courtesy of the artist and Company Gallery
- Saint George and the Dragon / Earth2014Ink on paper63h × 48w in (160.02h × 121.92w cm)
Courtesy of the artist and Company Gallery
- Saint George and the Dragon / Water2015Gouache, ink on paper58.50h × 43.50w in (148.59h × 110.49w cm)
Courtesy of the artist and Company Gallery
- As Far As You Take Me That's Where I Believe2015Mix media on shoe25h × 50w × 24d in (63.50h × 127w × 60.96d cm)
Courtesy of the artist and Company Gallery
- The Length Between Heaven and EarthInstallation view201614 taxidermy birds, fresh cultured pearls103.5 × 47 in
Courtesy of the artist and Company Gallery
- Uuu MeeInstallation view: Whitney Museum, 20172016Mix media on shoe54h × 34w × 30d in (137.16h × 86.36w × 76.20d cm)
Courtesy of the artist and Company Gallery
- The longer I slip into a crack the shorter my nose becomesInstallation view: Whitney Museum, 20172016Yarn, dress, glue, beads, cardboard, found trim, apple, taxidermic bird, and mannequin93h × 37w × 30d in (236.22h × 93.98w × 76.20d cm)
Courtesy of the artist and Company Gallery
- Somos Monstros 2Detail, installation view: Whitney Museum, 20172017Cardboard, vintage trims, dress, paper, glue, beads
Courtesy of the artist and Company Gallery
- Beginning & the end neither & the otherwise betwixt & between the end is the beginning & the endInstallation view: Whitney Museum, 20172017Paper, wood, glue, acetates, tape, and beads195h in × 495.30h in × 1w cm