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Weekly Watchlist: Considering the Context of Black American Experiences

Explore: Black American Experiences

In capturing the contemporary Black American experience through their works and practices, the artists in this playlist have ensured that fundamental narratives of American history are represented in the art historical discourse as a record and guide for generations to come.

Grid vintage magazines with Ellen Gallagher, place temporary sculptural interventions in Harlem with Abigail DeVille,, and create “Soundsuits” with Nick Cave in our Black American Experiences collection.

Explore Black American Experiences.

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Fred Wilson changes the context

IMAGE: Fred Wilson in his studio, 2005. Production still from the “Art in the Twenty-First Century” episode, “Structures.” © Art21, Inc. 2005.

Appropriating curatorial methods and strategies, Fred Wilson’s sculptures and installations lead viewers to recognize that changes in context create changes in meaning, and thereby shape interpretations of historical truth and artistic value.

“All these representations that I grew up with are telling me who I am whether I realize it or not,” says the artist. “What is me and what is something that the rest of the world has said I am.”

Upcoming workshop for educators

IMAGE: Lucas Blalock in his Greenpoint studio, 2015. Production still from the New York Close Up film, “Lucas Blalock’s Digital Toolkit.” © Art21, Inc. 2015.

Join Art21 on Tuesday February 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. ET for a virtual teacher workshop. 

In celebration of the new Explore feature on Art21.org, Art21 will be hosting education programs around the themes, mediums, and narratives collected by Art21 staff. The “Rules and Constraints” theme groups artists establishing parameters within which to operate, these artists utilize restraints to foster creative potential.

Registration is free, but space is limited.

Register now.

Visit our education calendar for a list of upcoming workshops for educators.
