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New Video: Richard Tuttle Makes Tools for Life

“Art’s importance comes when it’s a tool for life, when it makes life more available for us.” — Richard Tuttle


Today’s Art21 Exclusive features Richard Tuttle reflecting on a decades-long career, and the conceptual, thematic, and stylistic threads that can be consistently traced through his 26 New York gallery exhibitions. Tuttle was interviewed at Pace Gallery, where fittingly his installation 26 provided an archival record of these solo shows, collectively exposing a profound intimacy in postminimalism.

“I’m very committed to the idea of making an art that stays contemporary,” says Tuttle. The artist goes on to describe his interest in creating works that fuse together “the kinds of things that only happen once and the kinds of things that happen always.” Tuttle also shares advice for young artists and reflects on the value of art: “Art’s importance comes when it’s a tool for life, when it makes life more available for us.”

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