Marela Zacarías

Marela Zacarías was born in 1978 in Mexico City, Mexico, and currently lives and works between New York and Mexico City. A muralist painter for more than ten years, Zacarías wanted to bring walls into three-dimensional space. Her resulting wall-mounted painted sculptures twist and turn in unruly ways, built from window screens, joint compound, and polymer before being painted in bold, geometric, abstract patterns.
Zacarías’s works are often inspired by the sites for which they are planned, such as Works Progress Administration murals in the Brooklyn Museum, Mayan textile colors for an installation in Mexico, and a map of Brooklyn for a new hotel in the borough. Explaining her shift away from figurative painting, Zacarías says, “I feel like abstraction really allows for the story to be filtered and to come out in a different way in which people can see it or not see it at all. It at least creates a question: What is this about?”
Artist’s website
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“…it was like really meeting myself kind of in the middle of it. I want to connect to the people that are going through this transition.”
Marela Zacarías