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Interviews with Educators

For each quarterly issue of the Art21 Magazine, we invite an alumni of the Art21 Educators program to join us as an Educator-in-Residence. These online residencies begin with a Spotlight interview, in which the teachers have a chance to introduce their personal philosophies on education before sharing lesson plans and reports from the classroom on the Magazine.


Jocelyn Salaz, Year 2

Jocelyn Salaz teaches art at Puesta del Sol Elementary School in New Mexico, and she’s also worked with teenage witnesses of domestic violence at the non-profit Enlace Comunitario. Passionate about expanding access to the artistic process, Jocelyn uses every opportunity to teach her students about the art and culture of underrepresented communities.

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Nick Kozak, Year 6

Nick Kozak is an artist educator who works as a public school teacher at Manhattan Hunter Science High School in New York. Dedicated to breaking down barriers between young people and adults, and between the classroom and the real world, Nick is an artist himself and creates social sculptures.

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Joseph Iacona, Year 6

Joseph Iacona works with adjudicated youth, trauma-impacted teens, and young people navigating homelessness and the foster-care system. Utilizing Restorative Justice practices, he introduces teens to new ways of thinking through public projects and education opportunities that bring contemporary art to students who need it most.

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Todd Elkin, Year 3

Todd Elkin is a visual artist, writer, researcher, activist and arts educator. He serves as the Fine Arts Department Chair at Washington High School in Fremont, California where he focuses on co-designing (with students and other teachers) and facilitating student-driven, art-centered trans-disciplinary curriculum, fostering cultures of critical thinking and reflection.

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Stacey Abramson, Year 6

Stacey Abramson is an artist, writer, and visual arts educator at Maples Collegiate in Winnipeg, Canada. She joined the Art21 Educators program in 2016, participating in the Year 6 cohort.

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Tricia Fitzpatrick, Year 4

Tricia Fitzpatrick teaches grades 9 through 12 at Cawthra Park Secondary School in Mississauga, Ontario. She teaches science, but her approach to education is holistic: she values creative thinking, experiential learning, and locating the places where art and science intersect.

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Jack Watson, Year 3

With more than ten years of experience in the classroom, Jack Watson joined Art21 Educators in the program’s third year, and has been an active, fundamental member of the community ever since.

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Shannah Burton, Year 4

Shannah Burton is an artist, teacher, and seeker of small aesthetic pleasures. She teaches K-6 art at New City School, a multiple intelligence school in Saint Louis. She participated in Year 4 of Art21 Educators in 2012-2013.

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Don Ball, Year 4

Don Ball teaches art to 9th-12th grade students at Cawthra Park Secondary School in Mississauga, Ontario, home to a regional arts program. He participated in Year 4 of Art21 Educators in 2012-2013.

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