Social shares
from the contributors who helped facilitate Creative Chemistries
“It was the tip of the ice burg. It was wonderful to be part of a conversation with artists and educators with such a varied range of practices. The dialogues touched on key issues and opened a whole bunch of doors, but I longed for more depth and dialogue with the various participants. Longer conversations are needed.”
“The social justice conversation was SO powerful, and so real. I have been to every public art-and-social-justice conversation in Chicago in the past four years and I can say with confidence that #CreativeChem was honest and unflinching and hopeful.”
“The work of contemporary artists has an important place in education and not just arts education. And the creative thinking that artists have is an important tool to instill in students for 21st century success no matter what field they go into and also in just 21st century living.”
“The interdisciplinary potential of this experience is immense. I see this benefiting not just art educators, but those who are interested in arts integration, 21st century learning, or really any contemporary pedagogy.”
“I LOVED everything about Creative Chemistries. It gave me so much to think about and motivated me to make some radical decisions.”